The Learning Outcome


Demonstrate the research and application for appropriate verbal and non verbal communication skills to meet the expectations employers within the creative industries.
During the months before the showcase, we did a lot of discussion together with our lecturer, Andrew Stiff. We discuss and share the information together that we had research from online source.

Thinking Skills
Critically evaluate and apply contemporary exhibiting, presentation and production methodologies.

Before go for exhibiting, we had to find and research lots of spaces. We had to make sure that the space is on strategic venue, students are able to pay the rental, writting letter for sponsorship, paper works to get efficient capital to support students showcase, who will be our target audience and layout of the showcase / promotional items to attract the audience.

Subject-based practical skills
Analyze and critically evaluate the requirements of recruitment, selection and production methodologies.

At here, we learn how to organise a meeting. We also learn whats the value of having an exhibition. Whats the yes & no thing to do in the showcase. What is the Pros and Cons for having an exhibition. Sketch out the layout and floor plan for the showcase. How to exhibit something different than usual showcase in gallery around Malaysia.

Skills for life & work
Critically assess and demonstrate the skills needed in employment, including the theory and practice of working in teams.

All the time, each of my classmates  have their own task. Dai Ying and I prepare the artwork for poster and invitation card. Eng Suet Wei and I research & get the space in Kuala Lumpur to be exhibited. We also done a lot of emailing to get the space. After confirm to rent the space, I liaise the guys from Annexe Gallery for booking the space and other question to be answered. Wang Yong prepared the email for the event as well the Facebook page content too. After the invitation is done, Eng Suet Wei & Wang Yong will blast the invitation out. We learn how to team work not group work. We help each other when someone is in trouble. Working together as a team within a given timeline. Teamwork is a very important practice for working in agencies.

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