
Venue: School Library, Linton University College
Date: 23rd November 2010
Time: 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.
Means of transport: walking/by feet
Cost: free of charge
Weather: cloudy, misty
Number of students involve: 1 student
Methods used for field trip: A Pilot G2 0.7 pen, a few pieces of 80gsm white blank paper,
a student identification card, a Casio watch

The main purpose of this trip is to examine/observe the library surrounding and students’ activities in library.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 8.45am
Brief about the field trip by Ms. Nadira, my subject lecturer for Professional Practice. Some discussion were conducted also. Prepare methods used for field trip.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 10.00am
Get ready and depart from Graphic Studio 2 to school library.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 10.10am
Arrived at school library. Spot-checked by a Malay female security guard. Walked around the library looking for books. Talked with librarian at counter regarding about borrowing the graphic books.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 10.25am
Find a strategic place and settled down. Start to observe students’ activities. Jot down all the details.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 10.50am
Started packing up and moved out from the library. Walk all the way back to Graphic design studio 2.

Tuesday 23rd November 2010, 10.50am
Arrived at Graphic Design Studio 2

Final outcome
The overall of the outcome is students will be able to analyze the environment surrounding and able to generate new concept idea to apply in their design.
Influences to designers / to design trends in the industry
A quiet and pale surrounding doesn’t suit to a designer. Usually designers like to have media (music & movie) to influence them to achieve a better quality of their design artwork.  

Base on my point of view, the library looked dead. Most of the students in the library were there not for study and research but for online and chit-chat only.

Based on my observation for today in library from 10am to 11am, I found out that there are more China student at area A compare to area B which have the majority of black skin foreigner student.

I was told by the librarian at that we student can’t step into the design shelf section to look for our books for reference. Then, he gave me a list of the design books. I have no idea at all when holding looking at the list.

The benefit of today’s field trip is to observe and understand the students’ activities in the library. This will lead me to generate a new concept idea. 

Map of the trip

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